I grew up reading comics. The fact that I had to sneak to do it just intensified the allure. I was born in Jamaica, but raised in Brooklyn, New York. I was not allowed the luxury of a comic book habit, so I had to resort to the machinations of a child to sate my appetite.

The desire to create an interconnected universe of stories told through the lens of BIPOC characters that span across time and space started to gestate almost 10 years ago, with some story ideas even older than that.

It was just a snowball, but it began to roll down the mountain, picking up speed and mass, until the inevitable avalanche after the murder of George Floyd by the very people I once believed were supposed to protect us all.

With that, The Way of Paman was born. Details are very hush-hush at the moment, but subscribe to the Patreon and follow me on my socials to stay connected and be the first to find out just what is The Way of Paman.


“The killer and the protector wearing the same uniform”