The Way of Paman

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Proofs Approved!

To me, my Sentinel Army!

(Can you tell I’m in love with X-Men ’97?)

I’ve got some fantastic news: the comic book proofs for Dark Sentinel have come in and they look incredible! After carefully reviewing and approving them, I'm happy to announce that the books are now being printed. You can expect them to start shipping out to our amazing Kickstarter backers in the coming weeks.

I’m so grateful to all of you for your patience and unwavering support. This journey has been incredible, and it's all thanks to you.

Once you receive your rewards, why not share your excitement with the world? Please take a picture or video and upload it to social media, tagging @wayofpaman and @wiseacrecomics. Don't forget to use the hashtag #darksentinel. Seeing your posts and knowing that the book is in your hands will mean the world to me and, who knows, it could bring more soldiers into the Army!

Also, fear not!  I'm hard at work on Dark Sentinel issue 2 with my new artist. We’ve already completed the layouts, and inking will begin next month. I'm so excited about the progress we’re making and can’t wait to share more updates with you soon. Until then, here’s a little peek:


Thank you again for your support and enthusiasm. Together, we’re bringing Dark Sentinel to life!

Stay woke,
